Entrepreneurship resource will cover the key principles of entrepreneurship alongside the concepts, strategies, and tools needed to succeed as a small business owner, franchisee, founder, or other entrepreneurial professional. We have endeavored to make the core theories and practical concepts engaging, relevant, and accessible to learners. We sought to achieve this by relating concepts to everyday life, contemporary issues, and the real-world challenges that learners may face as twenty-first century entrepreneurs.

Starting a business is a common thought among many people. We also  observe that people start new businesses in different sizes and different styles. The trend of starting businesses is now taking a different shape with the other developments. But, if we analyse the survival and the growth of the businesses, we can find many reasons to prove that we need a special type of mind-set, qualities, behavioural pattern, knowledge and skills to start a healthy business which will grow and sustain. Entrepreneurship is the collective term for all these aspects. Self-motivated people who think, act and start a business based on all these entrepreneurial aspects are the entrepreneurs. They change the whole destiny of the entire generation astonishing the others.

This business start-up course helps us to understand:

  • The nature of practical entrepreneurship, and develop our entrepreneurial mind-set, behavioural pattern and skills required as a potential entrepreneur. 
  • Business idea generation, screening, evaluation and selection.
  • Concept development and validating, Develop a marketing strategy for own intended business, performing Business Analysis, perform a practical pre-feasibility study for their business ideas, conduct a market research, conduct test marketing, business viability testing, acquire the technical knowhow required to manufacture the respective product / service to suit the market at a commercial level, prepare our Business Start-up Action Plan.
  • Business plan preparation, evaluation and finalization, and action plan for starting the business.

Malengo ya moduli:
Mwishoni mwa somo hili, wafunzwa wataweza:

  1. Kukuza uelewa wao juu ya ujasiriamali wa vitendo, mtazamo wa ujasiriamali, na ujuzi unaohusiana na maeneo ya masomo yafuatayo:
    • Nguvu ya ujasiriamali
    • Mjasiriamali na ujasiriamali
    • Umuhimu wa ujasiriamali
    • Tabia za mjasiriamali
    • Ubunifu na Uvumbuzi - Zana Muhimu
    • Uwezo wa ujasiriamali
    • Mchakato wa ujasiriamali
    • Utajiri wa mjasiriamali
    • Aina za biashara
    • Njia za kisheria za biashara,

2. Tambua ujasiriamali, biashara na wajasiriamali kwa njia na namna inayoeleweka zaidi, na

3. Anzisha utayari wa vitendo wa kuanza mazoea ya kujenga mali.

One key for success for the entrepreneur is to obtain sales (revenue) and profits as quickly as possible upon launching the venture. Entrepreneurial Marketing, focuses on all the essential elements to successfully achieve these needed sales and revenues: identifying and selecting the market, determining the consumer needs cost effectively, executing the basic elements of the marketing mix (product, price, distribution, and promotion) and competing successfully in the domestic and global markets by implementing a sound marketing plan.

Phil Libin, cofounder and former CEO of Evernote, once said there are “lots of bad reasons to start a company. But there’s only one good, legitimate reason . . . it’s to change the world. Around the globe, individuals, communities, and organizations advocate for and support the entrepreneurship movement. Many colleges and universities offer courses, degrees, and competitions for entrepreneurship teams. Communities provide support through services such as incubators that foster planning and startup activities.

Each idea solves a problem that many people might not even have noticed. Becoming aware of problems that need to be solved, then solving the problem to make our lives easier or better, is part of the entrepreneurial perspective.

In this course, participants will learn:

  • The state of entrepreneurship today
  • Establishing an entrepreneurial vision and writing goals
  • The need for having an entrepreneurial mindset